
19 Komodo 09.03.2017

Unnamed Road
, Nusa Tenggara Timur


19 Komodo 09.03.2017 4.4 863 Rating

It's a lifetime experience to come to komodo habitat island. While it's very hot temperatures and sun heat, and you should bring enough water, you can-- Imanuel Alberto

Fantastic and awesome experience sighting the Komodo dragons in their natural environment. It took some effort to walk around the island to search for-- CK Cheong

The real dinosaur that can you see now in this era. Komodo dragon is a ancient reptil and just a view island you can find this animal, and komodo isla-- Izra Alif

Komodo Island is one of the famous tourism destination in Indonesia and the beautiful scenery will amuse all the tourist. No wonder this place became -- amelia ramadhani

As the part of New7Wonders of Nature, Komodo Island is very beautiful. When you met the dragon, they look so tempting. It is good to start your day by-- Moffy Pamungkas