
09 Nuku Hiva 05.02.2017

Unnamed Road
, Marquesas Islands
09 Nuku Hiva 05.02.2017 4.7 72 Rating

Marquises magiques - Nuku Hiva - Taiohae / Taipivai / Haitiheu Welcome to Jurassic Park part 2. Closing the Marquesas series ➡️ Moorea Island-- Imad Khadra

DescriptionNuku Hiva is the largest of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia, an overseas country of France in the Pacific Ocean. It was formerly -- Catalin Lupu

Seven days from Los Angeles across the Pacific we have landed at this French Polynesian island.-- Mark Buckshon

A place within the blue ocean So liked this, very Amazing..... You and your family so will be arriving at the most Beautiful Place in the world.-- Febriansyah

An idyllic spot on Earth.-- Widi Sumaryono

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